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Akita -
Valiant's Embrace The Journey At Cheymar
AKC Pointed (9 Points)
Dam born: 04. July 2010
AKC WS34980203
Hip: OFA: Good (AK-14129G32F-VPI) - Elbows: OFA: Normal (AK-EL2118F32-VPI)
Other health issues: https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=1565537
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMPAKC CH Kuroi Kao Mariah I'm A Hero ROMP 1995AKC WP65537202 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-9346E24M-T) Sire | ROMPXAKC CH Big-O Thunderheart Of Kokomo ROMPX 1991AKC WP39313501 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-7022E24M-T) Sire | ROMPAKC CH Goshens Roc N Rebel Of Big-O ROMP 1989AKC WG415366 HD-OFA: Fair (AK-5696F25M) Sire |
ROMPAKC CH Big-O Book's Sacha Of W Winds ROMP 1989AKC WG399934 HD-OFA: Good (AK-5412G26F) Dam | ||
ROMPGreat Tigers Contessa ROMP 1990AKC WG529450 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-6530E36F) Dam | AKC CH Willodeen O'PR Akari No Inochi 1989AKC WG358116 HD-OFA: Good (AK-5294G27M) Sire | |
ROMAKC CH Willowdeen's Kuma Yama Tosca ROM 1983AKC WF402544 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-3276E48F) Dam | ||
AKC Pointed (3 Points)Valiant's Block The Shot AKC Pointed (3 Points) 2006AKC WS19144804 HD-OFA: Good (AK-13293G28F-VPI) Dam | AKC CH Akiko's Big-O Southern Comfort 1999AKC WP93624508 HD-OFA: Good (AK-11676G40M-PI) Sire | ROMPXAKC CH Akiko's Invincible ROMPX 1995AKC WP65390803 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-9318E24M) Sire |
ROMBISS AKC CH Akiko's Light My Fire ROM 1992AKC WP44231601 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-7501E24F) Dam | ||
Valiant's Word Up At Awesome 2000AKC WP98651102 HD-OFA: Fair (AK-11724F30F-PI) Dam | Valhalla Playin Solo Saxophone 1996WP676626/02 HD- Sire | |
AKC CH Valiant's Dazed And Confused 1998AKC WP85539003 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-10997E32F-PI) Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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