5 generation long pedigree for Ace Go (Eisu Go) Hashimoto

Pedigree Database

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Pedigree for

Ace Go (Eisu Go) Hashimoto

NB 3653

Kongo Go Heiraku Do
AKIHO/2039 - AKIKYO 896 - NB 2351

Taishuu Go
AKIHO/1782 - NB 2014

Dewawaka Go
Dewa-goAkidate Go
Tama Go
KuzugomaNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Takahime GoTokiwaNo information about the dam
Nagata Go
Maru GoNoritsu Go
Hayaguchigoma Go
Datemitsu Go Heiraku Do
AKIHO/1770 - AKIKYO 840 - NB 2011

Dewawaka Go
Dewa-goAkidate Go
Tama Go
KuzugomaNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Kikumaru GoTategoro GoTatetaro Go
No information about the sire
Tatetorame GoHabutaro Go
Tate Go
Haname Go


No information about the damNo information about the damNo information about the sire
No information about the sire
No information about the sireNo information about the dam
No information about the dam
No information about the sireNo information about the damNo information about the sire
No information about the sire
No information about the sireNo information about the dam
No information about the dam

No information about the damNo information about the damNo information about the sire
No information about the sire
No information about the sireNo information about the dam
No information about the dam
No information about the sireNo information about the damNo information about the sire
No information about the sire
No information about the sireNo information about the dam
No information about the dam

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