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Akita -
Sire Born: 20. December 2012
RKF 3570587 - AKC WS55105001
Hip: HD-A - Elbows: ED-0
DNA: AKC #V804836
microchip: 643094100257501
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
C.I.B.BIS AKC/RUS/SI/MDA/YU/BZ/LT/LV/EST/SLO/MAC/INT'L CH Buckridge's Yukon Gold C.I.B. 2007AKC WS24684408 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | AKC CH Buckridge's Set In Stone 2006AKC WS19943809 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-13276E24M-VPI) Sire | C.I.B.AKC/INT'L/RUS/LT/UKR CH Buckridge's Driving Force C.I.B. 2005AKC WS14310501 (RKF 2935272) HD- Sire |
ROMAKC CH Buckridge's Elegant Style ROM 2004AKC WS11747003 HD- Dam | ||
AKC/INT'L/RUS/LIT/MLD/SLO/UKR/MTG CH Buckridge's Always On My Mind 2004AKC WS08810003 (RKF 2955256) HD- Dam | ROMPAKC CH Ruthdales Knockout At BuckridgeTwo ROMP 2002AKC WS03615201 (KC AD00259001) HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-12269E25M-PI), FCI A Sire | |
ROMPAKC CH Huntmere Regalia's Bonfyre ROMP 2001AKC WR02657006 HD-OFA: Good (AK-12211G39F-PI) Dam | ||
C.I.B.INT'L/RUS/UKR/MLD/BLR/LV/CZ CH, RUS JCH Buckridge's Love Story C.I.B. 2007AKC WS21448403 (RKF 2154590) HD-A Dam | ROMPAKC CH Ruthdales Knockout At BuckridgeTwo ROMP 2002AKC WS03615201 (KC AD00259001) HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-12269E25M-PI), FCI A Sire | UK TOP SIRE 2003 CR Regalias Boulderdash 1999AKC WP95360907 (SK S62011/2004) (KC 1352CM HD-A Sire |
Stecal Different By Design KC Y4092105Y04 HD- Dam | ||
AKC CH Ruthdales Heaven On Earth At BuckridgeTwo 2004AKC WS20486201 (KC AE03114101) HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-13073E45F-VPI) Dam | AKC CH Buckridge's Pay It Forward 2002AKC WR05589301 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-12015E24M-PI) Sire | |
BIS UK CH Ruthdales Personal Vendetta 2000KC 1420CL (AB00277601) HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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